Birds are greatly helpful to humans and nature. There are many birds extincting and we can only see few of them around the place of human settlement . Sparrows are one of them . Unfortunately now we hardly see sparrows around us . In this, modern way of life , most of us have lost compassion for birds . We don't let them build nests near human settlements . Moreover , due to pollution , use of pesticides and urbanisation many birds are getting extinct .We need to protect sparrows and minimise the hazards of technology on them . Therefore, Hopetown Girls' School has taken the initiative of arranging bird houses and bird feeders around the school . We  have also started to educate the public about the threat of polluted urban environment and non - caring humans to the house sparrows population , as well as to other common bird species. So, SAVE SPARROWS. 

- Kanishka Somani 


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